Setup my Manjaro Linux workstation
Installing Fcitx for chinese input
pkgs = "adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts fcitxkcm-fcitx fcitx-gtk2 fcitx-gtk3 fcitx-qt4 fcitx-qt5 fcitx-ui-lightfcitx-table-other"
This will store all the required libraries into a variable called pkgs
sudo yay -S $pkgs --noconfirm
Edit .xinitrc
file. Copy the following to the bottom of file.
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitxexport QT_IM_MODULE=fcitxexport XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
Update the system via sudo pacman -Syu
and check whether fcitx icon appear at the bottom right corner (I'm using KDE).
Type in the following command to verify your GPU
lspci | grep -i nvidia
If it got output... congrats, your Manjaro had detected GPU successfully. Otherwise, you need to figured it out by yourself.
For instance, I am using GeForce RTX 3060 (Non-Ti version) on my machine. I need to get the latest driver version from the Unix Driver Archive, the most compatible version for mine is 460.80.
Through pacman, you can simply install with one line.
sudo pacman -S mhwd-nvidia-460.80
Supervised Learning
The supervised learning used to label training data. Examples:
- Classification(KNN algorithm, Support Vector Machine)
- Regression (Linear Regression, Lasso, Ridge)
- Neural Networks (Convolutional Neural Network)
Data Type
The raw data consists of these few types:
Discrete: The discrete data only take certain values. Like throwing a dice, you obtained only 1,2,...,6. These integers are discrete.
Continuous: These data are continuous and can have any real values within an interval.
Ordinal: You cannot compare such ordinal data. For instance, gender, street name, etc.
Nominal: Nominal data allowed you to rank their numerical values. Example: exam ranking.
Interval: In interval data, the zero value has its own meaning. For instance, 0 degree celsius doesn't implies no temperature exists. It just used to differentiate whether temperature values are positive or negative.
Ratio: In ratio data, the zero values doesn't contain any meaning. For instance, when someone getting 0% in a test, and his marks really contain nothing.
Overfitting, Underfitting
The underfitting (The left one) occured when your data is poorly trained (You can observed that the fitting curve is linear), and this implies that your model do not "learn" enough. The bias for underfitting is higher, but it has a lower variance.
When you run an overfitting model (the right figure), your error (distance from each point to the line) will become smaller with more iterations. This is because your fitting curve almost connect up every single point of the data (Our task is fitting a model, not connect them together). The bias for underfitting is lower, but it has a higher variance.
You can check the cross validate scores of your model. If your tested scores is around 75-80, then it is a right fitting model. Otherwise, if the cross validate scores is extremely high (99-100 percent), then this considered as overfitting.
Data Transformation
Standard Scaler
Please take note that you cannot directly applied
on 1D-array (like assignment 2 Q2). You need to define your own methods for scaling.
import numpy as npdef standard_scaler(data):# data is array typemu = np.mean(data)std = np.std(data, ddof=1)for val in data:print((val - mu) / std)
MinMax Scaler
import numpy as npdef minmax_scaler(data):# data is array typemax_value = np.max(data)min_value = np.min(data)for val in data:print((val - min_value) / (max_value - min_value))
Max Absolute Scaler
import numpy as npdef max_abs_scaler(data):# data is array typemax_value = np.max(np.abs(data))print(data / max_value)
Robust Scaler
import numpy as npdef robust_scaler(data):# data is array typeq1 = np.percentile(data, 25)q2 = np.percentile(data, 50)q3 = np.percentile(data, 75)for val in data:print((val - q2) / (q3 - q1))
One-hot encoding: Convert your data into binary values. Data type: int
, bool
Ordinal encoding: Convert your data into ordinal integers.
Data type: int
, char
(Char is 1 byte = 8 bits, you can use Char
if number of classes is less than 8)
Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression is not really about regression. Instead, it is a classification, and also a binary classifier.
Confusion Matrix
Confusion matrix used to visualize the number of true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN).
If we predicted someone being infected by virus, and he really is, then this is consider as TP. If we predicted he is healthy and he isn't infected, then this is TN.
On the other hand, if we wrongly predicted, for instance,
If the test subject is healthy but we wrongly predicted him an infected, then this situation is called FP.
The type I and type II errors are not only occured test of hypotheses in statistics. They can be occured when performing A/B testing (or split-run testing). A/B testing usually applied in marketing or digital products (Mobile apps UI design, apps features, etc.). It tests randomly on two customers A and B, then we compare their experience.
ROC Curve, AUC Curve
The ROC curve defined how good is your model. If your tested score is above the diagonal line, then yours should be a robust model.
The AUC denotes the area under ROC curve. Its area described how accurate is your True Positive.
Unsupervised Learning
The different between unsupervised learning and supervised learning is: supervised learning consists of labeled training data and some training examples, which the pattern has been determined. For unsupervised learning, we are given the clusters (or group), but the tested data has unidentified pattern.
- Clustering (K Means, mixture models)
Dimensionality Reduction
To prevent the curse of dimensionality, you should eliminate the unwanted features. The cost for training dataset will increase exponentially akin to the number of features. We can manually select the features that are highly correlated or applied principle component analysis (PCA) on dataset.
Genetic Algorithm
Generally, the genetic algorithm involved 3 operations: crossover, mutation, and selection.
- crossover: Swapping two chromosomes (bit-array) randomly.
- mutation: Flipping the value in gene. For instance: 101 -> 010
- selection: we choose the best solution and inherits to next step.
Once finished the three operations above, the process will repeat again until the iterations over.
In fact, GA algorithm has been depreciated since it cannot effectively solve problem. For instance, you'll found that no hill to climb in gradient descent. Even the random tree search algorithm is faster than GA!
Historical fact: The 2006 NASA ST5 spacecraft has adopted GA algorithm to create the best radiation pattern for evolved antenna.
Selection Pressure
The fitness function is defined as below:
Given that:
P1'=0.05, P2'=0.11, P3'=0.12, P4'=0.24, P5'=0.48, and beta=0.5.
Use the fitness function above, find P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5.
ANSWER: P1=0.1073, P2=0.1591, P3=0.1662, P4=0.2350, P5=0.3324 (total sum=1).
Neural Network
The neural network has 3 layers: Input layer, Hidden layer, Output layer.
You might heard of "black box". The hidden layer is also similar to it. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) uses multiple hidden layers (or perceptrons). Inside these hidden layers, it perform sliding dot products to tensors input.
Training Process
The "training" mentioned that the weights are adjusted to more accurate output, and the process that adjust these weights is known as backpropagation.
Conclusion: Shameless Plug
In my own opinion: FA calculations might be: (They are easier for calculation)
- Confusion matrix (Accuracy score, specificity, etc.)
- Selection Pressure
- Neural Network
(I didn't prepare much, since the FA is similar to assignment 2)